The future is bright at FUMC. We know that we aren’t perfect but we are excited about our growth potential with the goal of having a dynamic kids’ ministry. We all need grace, and God extends His grace to us.
We believe that your greatest days are ahead and that through serving with the gifts, talents, and interests God has given you that you will find the truly blessed life. We find that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. We find that Jesus came not to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for the human race. We find our fulfillment in loving God in the worship service, loving others in the community of small groups, and in serving others.
You will be supremely happy and probably only happy when you serve God with those gifts He has given you. At our church, we have several teams in which you may find your place of service. There are service opportunities both inside and outside the church walls.
While we are given certain gifts, we must never forget that God has called all of us to evangelize and to give faithfully to the Lord’s work.
To help with that task, we have a spiritual gifts survey so that you can discover and serve in the area of your gifts.
Teams and areas of service are as follows:
1. Outreach & Evangelism
2. First Impressions (Hospitality)
3. Shock & Awe (Worship Arts & Technology)
4. Worship
5. Prayer & Follow-Up
6. Children & Youth
7. Small Groups & Discipleship
Take the Spiritual Gifts Survey here.